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Merimasku, Finland [Vicinity Only]
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Additional Images & Video
This is an image from page 38 of the book "Futuro: Tomorrow's House from Yesterday
This is a low quality photo from my copy of "Futuro - Tomorrow's House From Yesterday
The video below, featuring the Merimasku Futuro, is by Finnish artist Henna-Riikka Halonen. The video is in .mp4 format. Depending on the browser you are viewing this page in and it's current settings you may see an embedded media player below. If you do not or the video fails to play it can be downloaded from here or viewed on the website here.
The two images below are by Henna-Riikka Halonen and can be found in her Portfolio [downloadable pdf file here]. I am not sure if they were actual photos or stills from the video; one shows the exterior of the Futuro and the other the interior. The interior shot clearly verifies the information in Anna-Maija Kuitunen's thesis [see right] about the Futuro being unfurnished and having had part of the carpet removed.
Notes, History & Resources
It is always interesting to me to see how some Futuros appear everywhere online, feature in countless photos and on a multitude of web pages while others are eerily absent from the web almost as if they are hiding. Of course it may be precisely that, a form sort of hiding; I imagine a Futuro draws a significant number of travelers trying to catch a glimpse and so perhaps for simple, and understandable, privacy reasons some owners try to keep information to a minimum. Whatever the reasons this Futuro is certainly an example of a Futuro where information is hard to come by. In the book "Futuro: Tomorrow's House from Yesterday Anna-Maija Kuitunen's final thesis for the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Finland, an excellent reference document when it comes to Finnish Futuros, tells us a little more. Information in the thesis was the result of an interview with the Futuro's owner on 051710 so is about as reliable as it gets. We learn that the Futuro had [at the time the thesis was written - 2010] been owned by its current owner for about 10 years. Prior to that and post its time in Turku the Futuro had had several owners; however we learn nothing about those owners or where the Futuro might have been located during that time though we do know it had been in Merimasku longer than 10 years since the Futuro was "thrown into the bargain" when the current owner purchased the property upon which it sits. Kuitunen also writes that when the Futuro last changed hands it did so unfurnished but fitted with carpet. The current owner recounted in the interview that the Futuro is in generally good condition though some of the carpet had been removed due to mold. The owner did indicate an interest in restoring the Futuro sometime in the future but mentioned no immediate plans to do so. In 2012 Finnish artist Henna-Riikka Halonen created her work Moderate Manipulations which features the Merimasku Futuro as a back drop. I have to confess the video is a little too esoteric for a "simple soul" like me but the footage of the Futuro is one of the very few glimpses of the Merimasku Futuro I have been able to uncover. You can view a partial preview of the video at left or see it streamed online on the website here. I have been unable to find a full version of the video so if anyone is aware of anywhere it can be viewed complete I would love to hear from you. There are a couple of things to note from the video and the Henna-Riikka Halonen stills at left. We can clearly see verification of Anna-Maija Kuitunen's report that the Futuro is unfurnished and that part of the carpet has been removed. The costumes worn by the models are quite clearly inspired by the C. G. Hagström shots in and around a Futuro of models wearing Vuokko fashion - compare the two images below - the first is a capture from the video and the second is one of the C. G. Hagström shots from page 146 of the book "Futuro: Tomorrow's House from Yesterday
This is a photo from my copy of "Futuro - Tomorrow's House From Yesterday
So, that's it, not a whole lot of information so if you have any photos or information that can add to this article I would love to hear from you. In particular it would be great to hear about anywhere the Futuro may have been located during the time between Turku and Merimasku.
Got new, updated or corrected information or an image I could use?
I am always looking for additional information, history, details, images, videos; just about anything Futuro I guess - if you would like to contribute please use the Futuro Contact Form at the bottom of the main article or email me. As far as images go I am particularly interested in those that are either significantly better than the ones already on this page or show a different aspect or detail. If you own an image meeting one or both of those criteria I would love to be able to use it on this page but I will simply provide a link if that is your preference. Where permission is granted to use an image on the page appropriate attribution will be provided by means of a link to the original image, a link to a website of your choosing or both. |