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Austin Area, Texas, USA [Vicinity Only]
Featured Image From The Owner | Image Date 2013?
Google Maps | Screenshot Only [Actual Location Private]
Additional Images
Notes, History & Resources
The featured image above and the two images below were sent to me by the owner of the Austin Futuro House. I do not have dates for the photos but I am assuming the image above is recent.
The photos of photos below are clearly much older. The image showing the Futuro through the trees is from sometime in the 1970's. The third, night time, image is hard to place in time though obviously it is also old. The Futuro appears to be the same; the height at which the unit is set, the wooden steps up to the Futuro's built in stairs, the same type of vent on the roof and so on all indicate this is one and the same unit but the view seems to be more devoid of trees than the other photos or the Google Maps imagery. My thanks to the owner for sending me these photos. |
This week I received an email from the owner of a previously unknown [at least to me; I have never seen mention of it anywhere] Futuro House located in the vicinity of Austin, Texas.
To steal a quote from a car salesman - the Futuro has had "one careful owner". The owner tells me that the Futuro was purchased in 1970 [he still has the original purchase documents] and that it is still in use today. I was able to locate the Futuro in Google Maps by searching on the owner's name and the Google Maps screenshot above shows the Futuro as it appears in the latest imagery in Google Maps at full zoom. As expected Google Earth historical satellite imagery shows the Futuro on site as far back as the imagery goes; in this case 010695. Since the owner has managed to keep this location private for over 40 years [at least from the internet community at large] despite the prying eyes of people like me I have chosen to keep the owner's name and the Futuro's location private. If at any point I am permitted to do so by the owner I will add the precise location information. In the meantime the Google Maps screenshot contains no information or detail that will identify the exact location. My thanks to the owner of the Austin Futuro for sharing this information and these photographs with me. Sources & Reference
Got new, updated or corrected information or an image I could use?
I am always looking for additional information, history, details, images, videos; just about anything Futuro I guess - if you would like to contribute please use the Futuro Contact Form at the bottom of the main article or email me. As far as images go I am particularly interested in those that are either significantly better than the ones already on this page or show a different aspect or detail. If you own an image meeting one or both of those criteria I would love to be able to use it on this page but I will simply provide a link if that is your preference. Where permission is granted to use an image on the page appropriate attribution will be provided by means of a link to the original image, a link to a website of your choosing or both. |